On 29.12.2009, at 00:25, Ralph Schindler wrote:

> Bump.
> I really think we need to think about this problem that Lukas has brought up.
> Now that the magic words have come up ('counting stat calls'), can we get 
> someone to weight in on the possibility of both having some kind of 
> include_path resolver in the 5.3 branch, and it's impact of stat calls in PHP 
> both without an optimizer and with an optimizer?
> It seems like enough interest is here, as well as code, and those willing to 
> contribute the functionality.. What about on the policy front?
> As you can tell, I am itching to see where this goes ;)

just FYI:
a tweaked stream_resolve_include_path() is scheduled for inclusion in PHP 5.3.3

do note that the next PHP 5.3 release will be 5.3.2, so it will be a few months 
until we will see this feature in a stable release.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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