On 11.03.2010, at 18:22, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> Ah, Jani went a little crazy today in his typical style to force a
> decision.  The real decision is not whether to have a version 5.4 or
> not, it is all about solving the Unicode problem.  The current effort
> has obviously stalled.  We need to figure out how to get development
> back on track in a way that people can get on board.  We knew the
> Unicode effort was hugely ambitious the way we approached it.  There are
> other ways.
> So I think Lukas and others are right, let's move the PHP 6 trunk to a
> branch since we are still going to need a bunch of code from it and move
> development to trunk and start exploring lighter and more approachable
> ways to attack Unicode.  We have a few already.  Enhanced mbstring and
> ext/intl.  Let's see some good ideas around that and work on those in
> trunk.  Other features necessarily need to play along with these in the
> same branch.  I refuse to go down the path of a 5.4 branch and a
> separate Unicode branch again.
> The main focus here needs to be to get everyone working in the same branch.

+1 for moving trunk to a branch and moving 5.3 to trunk.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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