On 13.03.2010, at 22:52, Stefan Marr wrote:

> On 13 Mar 2010, at 22:43, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>> Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>>> No, not ok.  We will call the next release whatever we like.  People who
>>> have written books or articles about PHP 6 inferring they knew what the
>>> final state of PHP 6 would be were misguided.  We never got to the point
>>> of a final feature set much less a release date.
>> +1
>> Authors that wrote, publishers that published and readers that bought
>> books on PHP 6 need to be ... punished ;-)
> Is that wise and well-considered or something the community might regret in 
> the long run?

Nobody needs to be punished and I think Rasmus stayed clear of such words for a 
reason. The name of the next version is not really all that relevant more if 
the next version will be a minor bump (aka x.y+1) or a major (aka x+1.y).

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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