
Does that mean you want to take up a
  - strict RFC-and-after-3months-discussion-before-commit policy
   (i.e. killing the scratching-an-itch spirit of PHP)
  - "I'm going to commit this patch tomorrow" mail to internals@
   (i.e. killing "I need this functionality, maybe others do to" spirit of PHP)

Probably something like "I have this patch and I wrote this RFC, please discuss", then wait reasonable* time for discussion and reasonable* consensus before commit, and for reasonably* small patches "I'm going to commit it in 2 days unless somebody objects" would work

(*) I know definitions of "reasonable" differ but I have faith we find a common ground.

And which of Ilias patches are you referring to? The original one
(which is identical to the patch I sent in November 2006) or the
"fucking eyh, I need to please everyone so this can be in 5.3 - but
still got rejected" patch?

That's exactly why having RFC is good - one link solves all the questions about "which one is it' :)

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
s...@zend.com   http://www.zend.com/
(408)253-8829   MSN: s...@zend.com

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