On 24.03.2010, at 11:08, Pierre Joye wrote:

> skills. You suggested Chris and I think he could do a great job. My

Just to clarify as I mentioned this on IRC and not on here. I think it would be 
great to have Chris Jones do the "organizational" co-RM. For one I have great 
trust in him keeping a good overview of the priorities, plus he can also give 
some technical input, where I for example couldn't. Furthermore I was co-RM in 
the last release, we all know power corrupts so its good to rotate :)

For those who might be concerned that he is to embedded at Oracle, I actually 
think its quite the opposite. I think it would be great for PHP to have him 
take an "official" role. I have full trust in his integrity and so it might be 
also a good signal after the entire PDO2 CLA debacle that we do have trust in 
working with people from big corps.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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