On Apr 6, 2010, at 10:34 AM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> On 04/06/2010 10:08 AM, Justin Dearing wrote:
>> So pending review an acceptance by Dmitry, I've written my first patch for
>> PHP. While there is a good chance I will need to make further revisions to
>> the test or code, I don't know what that is.
>> However, I've  got some free time at the moment, and I'd like to make use of
>> some of the sunk costs of figuring out how to hack PHP. So I know that in
>> general  there is a lot of work to be done. I also know that there are
>> plenty of open bugs, tests to be written, etc etc. What I am looking for is
>> someone to say is "here are the next 10 bugs I will work on can you write me
>> test" or "I wrote this patch on linux, I need someone to make it work on
>> windows too" or, "Party X complains of this but refuses to fill out a proper
>> bug report."
> Here is a straightforward (but not easy) one:
> http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47435
> The php_filter_validate_ip() function in ext/filter/logical_filters.c
> needs those reserved IPV6 ranges added to the FORMAT_IPV6 case in the
> switch statement there when FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE is set.  I say it
> isn't super easy because we don't have much in the way of ipv6 parsing
> in PHP yet, so it will probably involve finding some decent code that
> can expand an ipv6 notation into something we can logically separate.
> That might also mean a rewrite of the _php_filter_validate_ipv6()
> function in the same file.
> Another one, if you are interested in encoding issues:
> http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49687
> I don't necessarily agree with Scott that it is wrong to expect
> addslashes() to validate the input string.  It could call
> get_next_char() the same way php_escape_html_entities_ex() in
> ext/standard/html.c does.  And we need that utf8_decode() fix mentioned
> in the report reviewed/committed if it hasn't been already.

I fixed utf8_decode and I had a patch for adding utf8_validate which is 
probably suitable for 5.4.


It's not quite done, I had intentions of adding support for using truncate, 
simple true / false for valid or the unicode replacement character.


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