On 08.04.2010, at 12:48, daniel zulla wrote:

> Hi,
> Take a look at the code example [1].
> Why not giving programmers the possibility to init their scripts with
> a call, that tells exactly what data should be taken - like GET userid
> INT and GET password MIXED, or just POST domainid INT, or something
> like that.
> If there's data transmitted, the scripts doesn't need, why should we
> go on with execution?
> In my example, request_init would check if there is $_POST['userid'],
> $_POST['pass'], $_GET['userid'] or $_GET['pass'] and if userid is an
> integer, and pass is mixed.
> If that's all right, the script just goes on working.
> If not, and that's the clue, the callback function will be called,
> telling the user what's wrong.
> A feature like that would highly improve security. Programmers
> wouldn't even think about stupid solutions like getting all the $_POST
> data into an Array() and trying to quote it anymore. It's an advantage
> for readability too:
> You take a look on the code, and you just know exactly what's going on.
> When magic_quotes and register_globals will, finally, be killed in
> PHP6, this could be, finally, a real security feature, couldn't it?
> Greets,
> Daniel Zulla
> [1] Code Example:
> <?php
>    request_init(Array(POST, GET), Array(userid => INT, pass =>
> mixed), $callback->crap_transmitted, 1);
> ?>
> <html>

are you aware of the filter extension:

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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