
I've added the corresponding patch for APC, so anyone is able to verify the performance difference.


Thanks. Dmitry.

Dmitry Stogov wrote:

I've published all the patches, their description and performance evaluation at http://wiki.php.net/rfc/performanceimprovements

In two words the patches give 0-20% improvement even on real-life applications.

I'm going to commit them into trunk in a week in case of no objections.

Of course, they are binary incompatible. Some extensions (especially VM depended e.g. APC, xdebug, etc) will have to be modified to support the changes.

Thanks. Dmitry.

Zeev Suraski wrote:

Over the last few weeks we've been working on several ideas we had for performance enhancements. We've managed to make some good progress. Our initial tests show roughly 10% speed improvement on real world apps. On pure OO code we're seeing as much as 25% improvement (!)

While this still is a work in progress (and not production quality code yet) we want to get feedback sooner rather than later. The diff (available at http://bit.ly/aDPTmv) applies cleanly to trunk. We'd be happy for people to try it out and send comments.

What does it contain?

1) Constant operands have been moved from being embedded within the opcodes into a separate literal table. In additional to the zval it contains pre-calculated hash values for string literals. As result PHP uses less memory and doesn't have to recalculate hash values for constants at run-time.

2) Lazy HashTable buckets allocation – we now only allocate the buckets array when we actually insert data into the hash for the first time. This saves both memory and time as many hash tables do not have any data in them.

3) Interned strings (see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_interning>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_interning). Most strings known at compile-time are allocated in a single copy with some additional information (pre-calculated hash value, etc.). We try to make most incarnations of a given string point to that same single version, allowing us to save memory, but more importantly - run comparisons by comparing pointers instead of comparing strings and avoid redundant hash value calculations.

A couple of notes:
a. Not all of the strings are interned - which means that if a pointer comparison fails, we still go through a string comparison; But if it succeeds - it's good enough. b. We'd need to add support for this in the bytecode caches. We'd be happy to work with the various bytecode cache teams to guide how to implement support so that you do not have to intern on each request.

To get a better feel for what interning actually does, consider the following examples:

// Lookup for $arr will not calculate a hash value, and will only require a pointer comparison in most cases // Lookup for "foo" in $arr will not calculate a hash value, and will only require a pointer comparison
// The string "foo" will not have to be allocated as a key in the Bucket
// "blah" when assigned doesn't have to be duplicated
$arr[“foo”] = “blah”;

$a = “b”;
if ($a == “b”) { // pointer comparison only

Comments welcome!


Patch available at: http://bit.ly/aDPTmv

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