On 21.04.2010, at 15:24, Ryan Panning wrote:

>> This topic was discussed to death on the list, please read the archives. If 
>> after that you still do not understand what it is about, or have some 
>> comments, please ask then.
> Sure, it has been discussed over and over but the fact that it keeps coming 
> up here should show you that PHP developers want this feature.

check out the RFC's on the topic. See if you want to champion one of them, or 
add another one if you have different ideas.

>> Two letters: BC.
>> Changing variable order in an existing function is a big fat BC break. And 
>> if we put such a bomb into a new version, what would be the incentive for 
>> people to use it? So that apps would have to be shipped in 2 versions, for 
>> the old php and the new php?
> Is this something that could be fixed if it's moved to a namespace? The new 
> "alias" can have the "correct" order but original function can have the old 
> order.

Right, if we ever namespace internal stuff (obviously there would be a need for 
some out of the box BC extension), than this would be the moment to fix stuff 
like this.

Anyways, if anyone cares about any of the above proposals write up an RFC (or 
champion an existing one). Lets not end up in a situation where we have to 
refer people to the archives to understand a previous decision ever again.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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