On 23.05.2010, at 14:44, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 05/23/2010 01:08 AM, Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
>> any mistmatch results in an error
> An error that is recoverable. So not only is the "strict typing"
> optional, but "type mismatches" can be caught and handled.

again .. are you saying that a recoverable error is more than a way to display 
a nice error message instead of a white screen?

anyway, the fundamental question at hand is where the "burden" of correct 
typing should be placed, on the API consumer or on the API provider. this also 
ties in with the question if API consumers are likely to have "properly" typed 
(aka typed in the way the _various_ API he consumes expect) by default or not. 
i think this is the key question to answer when deciding to go with enabling 
type hinting or full out strict typing.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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