worker1.path = /path/to/worker1.php
worker1.pm = dynamic
worker1.pm.max_children = 10
worker1.pm.start_servers = 5

worker2.path = /path/to/worker2.php
worker2.pm = dynamic
worker2.pm.max_children = 4
worker2.pm.start_servers = 2

So, this is a proposed new entry in the ini format? I am a bit ignorant about fpm, I admit. This would require a good bit of fiddling for our gearman set up to work with it. We run X workers that know how to do all jobs available and then 1 + n (defined by ini file) that only do one job for each available job. This gives us good coverage with controlled process load. I guess it would just require a lot more configuration than we have now. For example, could we pass parameters to the script? Having a separate script plus a separate class for every function quickly makes a lot of files.

I will simply stay tuned and see where it goes.

FWIW, this is my GearmanManager that basically does this already via PHP+pcntl. http://github.com/brianlmoon/GearmanManager. It can not dynamically ramp up more workers like FPM can. But, I would never run it that way anyhow. I like my processes under control.


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