> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stanley Sufficool [mailto:ssuffic...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: 13 June 2010 20:10
> To: Ilia Alshanetsky
> Cc: Pierre Joye; Denis Gasparin; Matteo Beccati; 
> internals@lists.php.net; pdo
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PDO] Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] New 
> PDO methods for PostgreSQL driver
> On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 4:54 AM, Ilia Alshanetsky 
> <i...@prohost.org> wrote:
> > The concerns you raised about custom methods specific to database 
> > drivers were not reflective of the PDO's intent as was 
> clarified by Wez and myself.
> >
> > The code that was introduced was specific to PostgreSQL, the
> > functionality was introduced in a way that allows each 
> driver to implement.
> Yet the rest of the copyFrom, copyTo, etc.. could have ben 
> generic as well. I specifically stated that this could be 
> done at the driver level for FreeTDS using the BCP extensions 
> and/or using "BULK INSERT ". Yet now this is a specific 
> pgsql*** interface that cannot be abstracted for other 
> drivers OR implemented at the driver level. Now if I want a 
> MSSQL / Sybase dump/load method, I need to preface it with 
> dblibCopyFrom, dblibCopyTo.
> IMHO, every function should be a generic named interface to 
> the driver or statement level and then throw a "not 
> implemented" if the driver does not support it. This will 
> allow for abstraction at a higher level and give the driver 
> developers an opportunity to implement it. It will also give 
> PDO users a more structured way to deal with unsupported 
> methods with try/catch.
> I know I am a noob to the PDO development process, however I 
> have used OO for quite awhile and I have never seen it DB 
> abstractions implemented like this.

But a complete nonsense for a PDO driver maintainer. 
If adds one function to a driver, then you have to had add an function
to all the rest.

A generic copyFrom or copyTo method should only be added when there is
enough PDO drivers that behave in exactly the same manner, and to do
that, you needed specific implementations to test and compare with.

If the dblib methods can't behave the same as the postgres methods,
then clearly they shouldn't be named the same. 


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