Hello Zeev

2010/7/29 Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com>:
> With the revived interest in the neighbourhood of type hints in the last few
> days I'm resending this email from a few weeks ago.
> In a nutshell, use auto-conversion for scalar type hints, and modify the
> conversion rules throughout PHP to handle 'senseless' conversions that
> result in data loss differently - by emitting E_TYPE.
> Zeev

Ill be very much against adding a new error level for typing, E_NOTICE
or E_WARNING should be *enough* for letting the user know of any data
loss. I don't think it would be a good idea for adding a new error
level for specific language features, if we went to use exceptions for
everything it would however have been a sleek solution but we don't.

As for which solution we should take, we need a userland vote and a
core vote foreach of the 3 solutions we have atm.:
* Strict typehinting (as whats currently in trunk)
* Weak typehinting (with silent autoconvertion)
* Weak typehinting (that emits warnings/notices/type warnings)

It would be nice to have such a vote so the coming RM's also have
control over which solution is preferered and eventually why its


Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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