On 11.08.2010, at 16:55, Ryan Panning wrote:

> Now, changing the current implementation to "weak type hinting" would be more 
> confusing. Because the current syntax used for type hinting classes/arrays is 
> strict. If changed, you would need to specify that scaler types are weak but 
> classnames are strict and now you have a WTH moment.

actually for objects its fairly along the lines of what is being proposed with 
weak typing, since the type hints for objects do consider inheritance. so you 
do not need to pass in exactly the object that is type hinted, but instead you 
can also pass in any subclass (an integer is a float).

anyway .. for the love of god, could be please stop arguing in circles, nothing 
.. really nothing that people brought forth pro/con any approach in regards to 
type checking/hinting whatever hasn't been mentioned on this list multiple 

please please please please .. read the RFC's on the wiki .. if there is 
something not mentioned there .. ask the author of the RFC why that is and see 
if they are willing to add it there and notify the list once. If the author in 
question is unwilling to add it .. then .. and only then bring it back to this 

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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