The absolute minimum is, if you have objections, to be specific, or at
least provide concrete links to specific objections, instead of sending
people to hunt for the decisions manually.

So, anyone that comes on the list and wants to talk about some feature should just do so without looking at the history of the topic? That seems backwards to me. This group is open to new ideas. But, drudging up old ideas over and over and over is not productive. This topic gets brought up once per year minimum and never gets traction. But here, I will do the work for you this once. It took 10 seconds to search Google.

Have a look at the attendee list on that meeting. If you can convice all those people, most of which are all still very active, go for it. But, the emails I have seen are the same emails I have seen before. Nothing new. Just trying to save people some wasted time.



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