On 1 December 2010 09:22, Stas Malyshev <smalys...@sugarcrm.com> wrote:
> Hi!
>> Its not a matter of consistency - Properties, as a cross-language concept
>> are not meant to work that way.  You need to think of a property as a set
> Meant by whom? Is there some law of universe that prevents us from
> implementing the feature?
>> of two methods that just have a pretty syntax.  Methods cannot be unset,
>> and nor should properties be allowed to.  isset() should simply tell us
>> whether a property with the specified name is part of the class or not.
> If you need methods, why not use methods? If you mimick object properties,
> however, it makes sense to make them work exactly like property, otherwise
> you have to explain why they don't work this way.
>> isset() in the way you suggest would just be confusing.  It would allow is
>> to say that a property does not exist, when in fact it does exist.  This
>> is not logical.
> Sorry, from your answer I don't understand - what happens when you call
> isset($foo->property) and unset($foo->property)?

If we think of properties as this new entity for the language (rather
than somehow massaging existing entities to fit a new usage scenario),

isset($instance->property) will always return true for any defined
property. Even if the getter would return null. This is new behaviour
and can be easily documented. isset() for a property is more like
method_exists() than isset() on a variable.
With regard to unset($instance->property), from the manual ...

"The behavior of unset() inside of a function can vary depending on
what type of variable you are attempting to destroy."

So, we already have differing behaviour based upon context. Attempting
to destroy a property should through a non fatal error.

One idea I had was to keep just the get/set property methods and add
to them an additional parameter ...

public $seconds {
        public set($value, $unset = False) {
                if ($unset) {
                        // unset() has been called on the property.
                        // In this instance $value will be Null.
                } else {
                        // set the property using the supplied $value.
        public get($isset = False) {
                if ($isset) {
                        // isset() has been called on the property.
                        // If the value is a non-destructive calculation then 
returning the comparison of the result of the calculation to null.
                } else {
                        // return the value for this property.


isset($instance->property) would call $instance->property->get(True);
unset($instance->property) would call $instance->property->set(Null, True);

This keeps just the 2 property methods. It still allows isset/unset
and allows the developer the option of handling them.

Richard Quadling
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