
Something seem to turn them on magically, no idea what it was.
(perhaps the config variable name changed ? ;-o)

No, it has not. Whatever "magically changed" on your system was not caused by PHP. On the other hand it gave you a chance to fix a serious configuration problem on your server, so I write it down as a win :).

The fact that those warnings suddenly appeared in the output *is*
a semantic change. I still wonder why went to stdout instead of
syslog in the first place.

Those warnings should never ever appear in output, and the said change happened in 5.3.0, which is supposed to have such kind of changes. It went to stdout because your system was not configured like a production system should be.

Why such kind of deprecations at all ?
Why dont such things become optional (buildtime) features that are
enabled by default (unless some --disable-deprecated-foo given) ?

Because nobody cares about these options. For heaven's sake, people still have trouble with how display_errors works! Who is going to look into these "options"? People would ignore them and then complain "why suddenly things changed without a warning? You should have warned us!"

Still many code relies on that. Probably not very fine concepts from
language design view, but still quite useful. If it's so bad, it
should have been gone since 5.0.

"Many code" is broken and should be fixed *now*. Sorry, but there's no better answer for that - these features are broken, dangerous and should not be used. register_globals is off by default since 4.2.0. allow_call_time_pass_reference is deprecated since 5.0.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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