Pardon me for following up my own post, but there is room for a range of
functions here other than trace that could send their output to the command
line where the server was started.

watch ($var) -> $var is sent to the console on the line this statement is
made with the statment "now watching 'var'.. init value "x", and then each
time it changes it is updated in the console.

traceStack() -> as trace, but the current stack is reported.
traceAll() Return all variables in local scope and the current stack.
stop() Halt execution as die or exit, unlike them it's arguments are sent to
console instead of browser.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Michael Morris <>wrote:

> Since the goal of this is debugging might I suggest borrowing a statement
> from the Adobe Flash environment:  trace.
> Trace sends output to the debug console.  If given a variable it would
> format it as print_r currently does.  When encountered by PHP in other modes
> it would be silently ignored.
> Thoughts?
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 8:17 AM, Michael Wallner <> wrote:
>> On 04/17/2011 01:17 AM, Philip Olson wrote:
>>> Greetings Moriyoshi and all,
>>> Are people still thinking about this? And how about applying the
>>> current/revised patch to trunk thus making it easier to play with and
>>> break, but not freeze its features/API yet.
>>> Also the wiki is up again so:
>>>   - RFC:
>>>   - Patch is here:
>> The php_http_* "namespace" is actually already used by pecl_http?
>> Regards,
>> Mike
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