Am 02.06.2011 17:01, schrieb Peter Lind:
> On 2 June 2011 16:50, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>> Am 02.06.2011 16:24, schrieb Marcel Esser:
>>> I am not convinced that making this an error is a good idea.
>>> If I receive a $_GET/$_POST value that I expect to be a string value, but I 
>>> actually received an array, this would
>>> mean I need to now explicitly check for it, since it will stop the runtime 
>>> otherwise.
>> so fix your code jesus christ
> How about you take your medication, then chill down, then consider
> your messages a couple of times before sending? It would make the
> atmosphere quite a bit nicer.

how about people learning basics

instead say "this would mean I need to now explicitly check" somebody
should silent shame why he does not? after that i can guess the rest
of coding quality and this programing-styles are the reason for
so many hours of work if somebody out there comes with his code
to our servers (this does not often happen, but too often)
and the reason for most security problems out there

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