On 2011-06-01, Sean Coates <s...@seancoates.com> wrote:
> > Now, the only reason I would personally support the array shortcut is
> > if it was an implementation of JSON.  I know that's not on the table
> > here
> I don't think anything is officially off the table, unless we forego
> discussion.
> My application is largely JSON-powered. We pass data from back- to
> front-end via JSON, we interact with MongoDB via the extension (which
> is an altered JSON-like protocol (arrays instead of objects), but
> would be a lot more fluent with actual objects—they're just too hard
> to make in current PHP), and we interface with ElasticSearch. The
> paste I linked earlier is our primary ElasticSearch query.
> The benefits of first-class JSON are important and wide-reaching;
> especially when interacting with systems like the ones I've mentioned.
> There's a huge amount of value in being able to copy JSON out of PHP
> and into e.g. CURL to make a query to ElasticSearch without worrying
> that I've accidentally nested one level too deep or shallow, or
> accidentally mistranslating my arrays into JSON.
> This is not about saving five characters every time I type array(),
> it's about making my systems all work together in a way that's a
> little less abstracted, and a lot less prone to error.


Well, said, Sean. Basically, this discussion should be likened to
adding SimpleXML to PHP -- providing tools that make interoperability
with other systems or languages simpler.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead            | matt...@zend.com
Zend Framework          | http://framework.zend.com/
PGP key: http://framework.zend.com/zf-matthew-pgp-key.asc

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