On Tue, 2011-06-07 at 12:12 -0700, Stas Malyshev wrote:
> Hi!
> > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/callable
> It is good there's an RFC. However it seems to lack code examples. I 
> understand it may be obvious to the proposers how it looks like, but 
> it'd be nice to have the actual example there as it is done nearly 
> everywhere else.

The RFC is missing information about what happens in codebases which
already have a "callable" type declared. Will that be prevented or will
they hit a runtime error? ("callable expected, callable type found")

What about default values? Will
    function foo(callback $cb = 'strpos') { }
be valid?

The information on reflection is limited. what shall
Reflection::Parameter::getTypehint() return? Will that method allow to
differ between a class type and this "magic"?

What about ARGINFO? Will internal functions be able to define this type
via ARGINFO? How will this be reported in `php --rf function`?


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