Hello !
I've always thought that just supressing the "function" keyword could work
as a shorthand, i.e. having ([param1 [, param2 [, ...]]]){...}. Somewhat
similar to Ruby's lambda shorthand:
Huge +1 for that.
Code using closures will be more readable.
$add = | $x |=> | $y : $x |=> $x+$y;
Not sure that it's really readable.
Moreover, it's more Perl/Ruby way than PHP way.

Best regards,

Frédéric Hardy : Architecte d'application/Admin. système/Ergonome
           CV : http://blog.mageekbox.net/public/cv.frederic.hardy.pdf
         Blog : http://blog.mageekbox.net
      Twitter : http://twitter.com/mageekguy

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