2011.09.03 12:06 Lester Caine rašė:
> New thread ...
>>> My SUSE installs all have mysqlnd included in the core, As do other
>>> Linux distributions. I think for much the same reason that the windows
>>> builds do as well? The PHP development team have decided that
>>> -without-mysqlnd is required to remove it rather than -with-mysqlnd is
>>> with other optional packages. THAT decision determines what the
>>> distributions all do and flags mysqlnd as a core package?
>> But I just told you that wasn't the case. Try it yourself. Download the
>> PHP tarball on your SUSE box and do ./configure && make
>> Show me where mysqlnd is linked in. It isn't.
> OK done that ...
> http://lsces.co.uk/PHP/testphpinfo.php is the current PHP install managed
> via
> SUSE. Additional .ini files shows what I've added from the package manager
> (and
> my own extension builds), yet mysqlnd is listed as well.
> I will put my hands up that I am only _building_ my own distributions on
> windows, but since the core packages I am seeing on SUSE and Mandriva are
> the
> same as a default windows build, as provided by phpinfo(), I did assume
> php was
> doing the same thing on Linux as windows. It would be useful if they DID
> do the
> same thing? But now the question is why do the Linux distributions do what
> they do?

SuSE builds PHP with --with-mysql=shared,mysqlnd. IMHO php-mysql is
suggested when you install php package. It is not required.

Debian, Mandriva and Fedora build PHP with '--with-mysql=shared,/usr
--with-mysqli=shared,/usr/bin/mysql_config'. You haven't checked
Mandriva's PHP build and assumed that it is the same as on SuSE.

You can always check ./configure options in their source packages. Mysqlnd
is new PHP feature and Linuxes used 'shared,/usr' for ages.


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