Am 04.01.2012 21:02, schrieb Rasmus Lerdorf:
> But there is a very valid security concern here. People can usually run
> safely with display_errors enabled if their code is well-written. 

if it is well written there would be nor errors displayed
but you miss - in production you MUST NOT dispaly errors

> They can check for potential errors and avoid them. This one can't be checked
> for and you could easily write a scanner that scoured the Net for sites
> with display_errors enabled by sending a relatively short POST request
> to each one and checking for this error.

does not matter

if display_errors is on DISPLAY it

if it is off do NOT
there is nothing between

every try to make exceptions here is simply a bad style and should
not be done - where do you stop? you can't decide - only the
admin or developer with ini_set() has to decide and nobody else

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