-----Original Message-----
From: Rasmus Schultz [mailto:ras...@mindplay.dk] 
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 10:01 AM
To: internals@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP-DEV] Re: internals Digest 4 Feb 2012 09:08:29 -0000 Issue 2549

> Why can't the read-only and write-only keywords be implicit instead of 
> explicit? I've never seen another language where you have to explicitly 
> indicate what you're doing. At > best, it acts an extra fail-safe to prevent 
> making errors - at worst, it just means more redundant code to maintain, more 
> ways to make errors. Do the benefits really outweigh > the value of this?

The read-only and write-only keywords act a little differently.  Without them, 
attempting a set on an accessor without a setter defined will cause __set() to 
be called whereas with the read-only it will produce an error.  The inverse is 
true for write-only.   I attempted to keep the ability to have lazy 
initializing of properties via accessors, but that could be written in php 
slightly differently if the read-only/write-only keywords were not present (due 
to guards).  Doesn't particularly matter to me.

> Regarding automatic implementations - according to the wiki, the backing 
> field is implemented as public. Is that correct? Most other languages don't 
> even expose the
> existence of the backing field. Would it not be more correct to implement an 
> auto-backing field as protected? The reason for implementing accessors in the 
> first place, is 
> usually to prevent direct access to an underlying field.

Makes sense, in C# these backing fields are completely inaccessible directly, 
would that be even better in this case or would protected suffice?

> Since a high degree of explicitness seems to be a design goal, it would 
> probably make more sense if you had to use reflection to access a 
> backing-field without invoking the 
> accessor-methods.

> Looks nice otherwise! :-)

> - Rasmus

2012/2/4 <internals-digest-h...@lists.php.net>

> From: Clint M Priest <cpri...@zerocue.com>
> To: "internals@lists.php.net" <internals@lists.php.net>
> Cc:
> Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 13:47:53 +0000
> Subject: [PATCH] Property Getters/Setters (v2.4) for review The 
> property accessor functionality is done and is detailed here:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/propertygetsetsyntax-as-implemented
> Core Patch: 
> http://www.clintpriest.com/patches/php-core/accessors/2.4.diff
> The core patch encompasses the entire original RFC and the 
> as-implemented includes implementation details and edge cases not 
> defined by the original RFC.
> Most changes are in zend_compile, zend_object_handlers and 
> zend_language_scanner.
> Thanks,
> -Clint

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