Am 05.02.2012 18:09, schrieb Nikita Popov:
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Michael Stowe <> wrote:
> [snip]
>> Perhaps another option, if it's a security concern is the ability to turn 
>> off the /e modifier, and have it off by default. This way we can protect our 
>> less experienced programmers, while keeping it available for more advanced 
>> use cases.
> I think introducing an option for this will only create problems. Code
> using /e will be non-portable as it depends on the ini option being
> enabled.

yes, and security problematic things hsould only be enbaled active

> Also this way shared hosting will never disabled the modifier
> because it doesn't want to break apps.

the one who cares security will do it

> And I think disabling it is especially important for people on shared 
> hosting, 
> who usually are less educated about security than people on dedicated servers.

but the one on dedicated servers currently have no option to make
their setup secure without suhosin

> Also: If you really want to use /e you can still call eval() inside
> preg_replace_callback. This additionally has the benefit of making the
> code evaluation more explicit.

the problem is "you can"

if it is default off you should do it this way if you like portable apps

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