On Sun, February 26, 2012 8:45 pm, Anthony Ferrara wrote:
>> Or operator-overlading to the rescue? :-)
> Not quite.  Especially because with operator overloading done at this
> level (how it would be implemented in PHP) it's almost impossible to
> make it consistent:
> class string {
>     public function overload+($mixed) {
>         return $this->value + $mixed;

I think you meant '.' here instead of '+'

Otherwise, PHP type juggling will make it be 10 as well.

>     }
> }
> class Integer {
>     public function overload+($mixed) {
>         return $this->value + $mixed;
>     }
> }
> $int = new Integer(5);
> $string = new String("5");
> echo $int + $string; // 10
> echo $string + $int; // 55
> While I like the concept of overloading, I don't really think it's
> solvable in a consistent enough manner that it would work here.

That said, there is no inconsistency.

If what you want to do is overload + on strings to do concatenation,
then it's on you to typecast everything to (string) for it to make

Oh, and string is a reserved word, so this won't work as-is, though
that's obviously picuyane.

brain cancer update:

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