Hi Eric,

Sorry, I don't read @internals every day. Please CC me if you need quick answer.

Really I don't see the reason why wincache stores the PHP file source. Storing compiled opcodes must be enough. To avoid re-reading of already cached file. opcode cache should override zend_stream_open() and return stream of type ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME.

Anyway, I don't see a way to fix PHP to support custom streams without BC break, because zend_streams doesn't provide handlers for seeking.

The best solution would be handling shebang lines by parser/scanner. It even was done few years ago, but than was reverted.

Thanks. Dmitry.

On 03/15/2012 10:56 PM, Eric Stenson wrote:
PHP Internals folks--

My name is Eric Stenson, and I'm a developer at Microsoft working on IIS.
I've been given the task of upgrading our php_wincache extension to work
on PHP5.4, and I've run into a problem.

The problem I'm running into is the php_cgi!main() on PHP5.4 has changed
behavior.  The php_cgi!main() function is seeing us return a ZEND_HANDLE_STREAM,
and it's assuming that the zend_file_handle.handle.stream.handle (void *)
is a (php_stream*), when in fact it's php_wincache's (fcache_handle *).
It then attempts to access the php_stream.ops (a v-table-ish struct), which
is not in the fcache_handle, and it jumps off into an invalid address and
promptly AV's.

I'm trying to understand why our php_wincache!fcache_useval() thinks it's
okay to set zend_file_handle.handle.stream.handle to (fcache_handle *).
I'm having trouble understanding what the responsibilities are of a PHP
extension that extends the file system as php_wincache does.  Could you
point me at any developer documents for PHP extension developers that explains
what php_wincache *should* be doing?

I'm very much a novice at PHP code, or writing a PHP extension, so I feel
like I'm flailing around without understanding what PHP extensions are
supposed to do.  Any pointers, guidance, and architecture advice would be
massively helpful!

Thank you!

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