On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Arvids Godjuks <arvids.godj...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Kris.
> I can give you a real world example where that straight MVC with the. pphp
> if not breaks, then definetly becomes an ugly mess.
> I use Yii framework as my tool, it has some very nice tools for templating
> like widgets. Widgets provide a container to put functionalit required by
> multiple pages and it contains a controller like code and a template. It
> can and most times will use models and other library stuff to do its work.
> And all that code is loaded via an autoloader (only templates are loaded
> localy in a controller method).
> As i see it, i will spend a lot of time figuring out if i need to make a
> .php or a .pphp file. After a few days i will just say to my self "f***
> this sh**" and just stick with the .php. My coleague will just stick with
> .php - he values his time and to him this will be just noise that he
> ignores because it gives no real benifit, IDE's and editors will ajust in
> time and reformatting a whole project is just a waste of time. Not to
> mention frameworks will not follow for a long time because of the BC and
> big WTF factor.
As I said, if that is the case, then you shouldn't be using a .phpp file.
This new file type is NOT intended to replace .php, not even partially.
Most of your work will likely still be done in .php scripts.  This new
.phpp type is for specialized instances when you know you won't be using
raw HTML output.  This happens a lot, but it may not happen in your
application.  If it doesn't, then don't worry about it.  There's no "WTF
factor" to it and there's DEFINITELY *no BC breakage, period!*

If your application doesn't have a need for pure PHP code, then don't use
it.  I'm not sure why you think the mere existence of this file type will
somehow magically break all your .php files.

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