2012/4/18 Matthew Weier O'Phinney <weierophin...@php.net>:
> My one comment, which others have raised, is readability of multiple
> commas -- TBH, at first glance it has the appearance of a mistake. I
> think those suggesting a keyword such as "default" make a good point in
> this regard -- it makes it 100% clear that you want the default value
> for the argument in that position. This also presents an improvement
> over current usage, as you're not hard-coding values in your function
> calls themselves -- particularly as the defaults could change in future
> refactors.

I think we should only support optional parameters using the "default"
keyword as it would probably make things more consistent and less
error prone:

function foo( $bar = "bar", $foo = "foo", $baz = "baz" ) { ... }

foo(,,, "myBaz"); // Thinking changing the value of $baz, but there's
one too much "," and PHP won't complain because of too many arguments

Additionally, we might also want to think about

If for the former it could work with:

call_user_func( "foo", , , "myBaz" );

What about the latter?

call_user_func_array( "foo", [2 => "myBaz"] ); // ? Evaluating the
element at index 0 would cause a notice, but would result in a NULL,
so I would say that NULL is to be used as first parameter.

I have no clue on how to correctly support skipped default values in
that case since there is a big difference in supporting the "default"
keyword inside the method call vs. as an element of an array.
Ideas are welcome!

Last but not least: if skipping optional parameters is implemented,
should we consider the support of default values on the leftmost side
of functions?

function foo( $bar = "bar", $baz ) { ... }

It could make sense that $bar followed by $baz is semantically better
than the opposite for technical reason, and this could be called

foo( default, "baz")
foo(, "baz")

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