On 14/06/12 00:58, Michael Felt wrote:
> Hi.
> I am trying to compile php against httpd 2.4.2 - but before it gets
> interesting I think I am having a different problem.
> The sqlite3 embedded in ./ext/sqlite3 returns a syntax error against vac.C
> v11 compiler.
> data/prj/php-5.3.13/ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c -o ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.lo
> "/data/prj/php-5.3.13/ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c", line 893.9: 1506-046 (S)
> Syntax error.
> "/data/prj/php-5.3.13/ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c", line 894.41: 1506-045 (S)
> Undeclared identifier i.
> "/data/prj/php-5.3.13/ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c", line 894.51: 1506-277 (S)
> Syntax error: possible missing ';' or ','?
> "/data/prj/php-5.3.13/ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c", line 894.65: 1506-045 (S)
> Undeclared identifier or.
> make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.
ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c in php-5.3.13 only has comments at lines 893-894.

(That's a big comment from 846 to 906).

What do you have at those lines? As it mentions "Undeclared identifier or.",
perhaps it's (wrongly) taking the slash at "and/or " as a "*/" ??
That would be very broken of a compiler...

> Rather than try and solve that I compiled a separate sqlite3 version
> root@x104:[/]sqlite3 -version
> 3.6.22
> However, even after make distclean and a new run of configure with the
> following arguments - make still continues to try to compile the embedded
> sqlite3.
> root@x104:[/data/prj/php-5.3.13]cat php_configure.ksh
> #!/usr/bin/ksh
> set -x
> ./configure \
>         --prefix=/opt \
>         --sysconfdir=/etc \
>         --mandir=/usr/share/man \
>         --with-libdir=/opt/lib \
>         --with-sqlite3=/opt \
>                 > build/aix/configure.out
> What am I doing wrong? Many thanks!
Seems a problem in the sqlite3 extension config.m4, in that it has a
depends rule on the libsqlite/sqlite3.c copy.
A simple fix would be to copy the sqlite amalgamation that works for you
over the php copy.

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