On 18/06/12 18:54, Anthony Ferrara wrote:
> Pierre,
>> There is sadly only state-of-art-right-now password hashing methods.
>> We have to keep that in mind :)
> That's why the crypt() return format was designed. All of the options
> that are needed to validate the hash (algorithm, cost parameter, salt,
> etc) are fit right into the outputted string.
> I'd suggest that's what's done here. In fact, I'd make the functions
> just a thin wrapper around crypt(). Basically, just where it sets sane
> defaults that we can update every minor (or major) release (to
> compensate for faster servers). It handles salt generation, error
> checking, etc.
> Here's what I have in mind in php: https://gist.github.com/2949382
I don't think the code is the most appropiate one, but I suppose that's
not a final proposal.
The interfaces look good to me.
I'd maybe set the default $algo to PASSWORD_DEFAULT_HASH or similar,
being a value bumped on each next revisions.
I would consider preferable to have the $ ofpassword_register_algoprefix


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