On 27/06/12 18:13, Pierre Joye wrote:
> Changing default value forces code change if you have to keep a given
> hash, for one obvious side effect.
> If you disagree or does not like the idea, that's all fine, but you
> can't really say that it is not an argument (nothing to justify, this
> is a draft and it is being discussed).
> Cheers,
Precisely the point of such constant is to allow the applications to
change to use more secure hashes, without needing to parform a recursive
sed in the codebase to change HASH_SHA2015 with HASH_SHA2048.
If you want to be in precise control of the actual hash used in a newer
(such as an hereogeneous deployment), you could set it to the lower
in php.ini.

Obviously, any such bump -which I would expect to happen on major releases-
would hold an entry in the NEWS file explaining that PASSWORD_DEFAULT_HASH
is now md5 by default instead of crc32 (still, I would expect a new hash
to have
been available on several releases -they could easily be added on minor
before becoming the PASSWORD_DEFAULT_HASH).

Remember that the goal was to make the next-generation password hasing api.
An (almost) foolproof way to make the applications secure. If you expect
them to
timely realise the problems of md5() and go back to change all their
you will replace the current function with password_hash('password',

Developers with higher security knowledge (few of them, you'd almost
need to be a
cryptographer yourself) can use the advanced parameters to tweak it to
their needs.


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