The 4th param to str_replace is a by-ref param, so you can't just skip
over it, can you ?

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 8:54 PM, Felipe Pena <> wrote:
> Hi,
> 2012/7/15 Paul Dragoonis <>:
>> Hey,
>> I'm proposing to add a new function str_replace_limit, this will be
>> identical to str_replace() with one key difference, you can specify
>> how many times you want the replace to occur.
>> Currently this isn't possible with any functions in the
>> /ext/standard/string.c stack, the only easy workaround is using
>> preg_replace() which requires of course the pcre library and regex
>> patterns.
>> I would have added this as a 4th param to str_replace(), but it
>> already has a 4th by-ref param to tell you how many times it done the
>> replacement.
>> mixed str_replace_limit ( mixed $search , mixed $replace , mixed
>> $subject [, int $limit ] )
>> Thoughts?
> Surely a 5th param is preferred.
> --
> Regards,
> Felipe Pena

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