On 26/07/12 16:44, Laupretre François wrote:
There was a time when one could have written an app for it in PHP ;)
Right. We all know from the beginning that a wiki is better than nothing but, 
when the number of users/documents grows, it becomes very hard to keep the 
information up-to-date.

Another problem is that documents and their comments are not stored together. 
The RFC remains, which is fine, but the comments fly away, except if the author 
manually copies them from the list. IMHO, this is the main drawback of the 
current system: when I read an RFC, I also want to read the comments because 
they're  an integral part of the RFC life. It does not mean that they should 
not be mirrored to the mailing list, but it is essential to store them with the 

Maybe it is time to replace the wiki with a real RFC app. Thoughts ? Do you 
know of an existing app used by a similar development community ? If not, what 
would you build it from ? Who would be ready to participate ?




Writing an RFC app doesn't strike me as terribly difficult. We already have the VCS/wiki authentication system, so we can use that. Then we just need some formatting language (DokuWiki's if separable, else I'd suggest Markdown), or no formatting language (plain text), and a flat-file or DB storage system (would prefer the former personally).

I'd be willing to write one, although I'm away next week. But I could work on it today and tommorow.

Andrew Faulds

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