2012/8/15 Stan Vass <sv_for...@fmethod.com>

> But "variable" typehints
>> don't serve any such purpose. Actually, one could even say that they
>> don't serve *any* purpose, short of providing the IDE with type
>> information, because your code would work just as well even without
>> the type check. If the type were wrong, it would just throw a fatal
>> error when trying to do something with it (like invoking a method that
>> does not exist).
> Just like with argument typehints.
> Point me to an argument typehint that is required for your code to run.


Point me to an argument inerfaces are required. Or boolean (would could use
0/1 instead). Or abstract methods. Or function/methods parameters (we could
use func_get_args()). Or default parameters. Or [insert random feature

Or: Point me to an argument, why the array of "Foo" shouldn't be a
specialised class, that implements 'Iteratable'. With this your foreach
"problem" simply disappear and everything, what remains, is something to
make IDEs happy (with one line less to write...).

My opinion


> You and Stas keep giving arguments against argument typehints, which is
> really awkward.

> Stan
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