Hi all,

I know there are few edge cases that need to be resolved. What I am looking for in the RFC/vote is to determine if ::class (as it works in the PoC patch) has enough acceptance for inclusion in master.

If there is not enough interest in this by the powers that be, or the feature as currently proposed is not popular enough. I'd rather not spend many more hours on it.

I'd like to get as much direction as possible from people so we can close out the edge cases and I can have some clear goals to work towards to get the implementation (including all edge cases) ready to be merged.

That said, here is a summary:

* The VOTE is for whether entertaining ::class would make it into master, it has little to do with edge cases.

* Here are the edge cases / implementation details that need a decision:

  - $variable::class (should it even be supported?)
  - self, static, parent::class not in a class definition
  - self, static, parent::class in a method signature
  - self, static, parent::class in a method body
  - if static & parent are runtime, do we return false on misses?


On 9/11/12 9:39 AM, Ralph Schindler wrote:
Hi internals!

The ::class resolution proposal had significant discussion in April and
I've updated the patch to address issues that came up then.  At this
point, I've gotten some positive feedback from various places and feel
its time to open it up for a vote to internals.

     RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/class_name_scalars#vote

     PR: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/187


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