> My point here is that much of what is being discussed on 'a core anti-XSS
> escaping class' is missing the some of the basic problems and 'filtering'
> is my own take on the correct way of managing this!

and this is where you are wrong.

> Many of the recent XSS holes have simply been the likes of the 'highlight'
> function is smarty which had no filtering at all ... and just needed
> sanitizing before anything was done with it.

you didn't experienced all of the possible contexts where an XSS
vulnerability can take place. this doesn't mean that those vectors doesn't

> This 'class' is purely targeting a small area of the problem and
> repackaging functions which still need the user to understand which
> 'filter' to apply to which string?

this class is targeting to provide the developers with a tool to safely
encode content into each possible context.

If it expected to simply apply a process to the output which will 'protect
> users' then it can never succeed.

escaping the output doesn't mean that you can't also filter the input
(usually they walk hand in hand: "filter in escape out")
you are the only one preaching here that half of that is an ok solution.
if you only filter the input, you cannot use more than one output context
without the risk of compromise, and you also put all your defense in the
belief that you data stored in your relational database (or cache, etc.) is
safely filtered.

> Te users need to understand just where to 'filter' the strings they are
> using and what filters to use.

yeah, that's one thing that we can't fix, as for properly encoding the
output you need to know the output context.

> Now if what is proposed is a 'class' that will decompose an html page with
> embeded css and js and magically remove any XSS injection then it might be
> useful, and I think the creator of that would be in line for a Nobel prise?

how does it relate to the current discussion

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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