Hey all,

An odd problem has cropped up that I think can be solved at the PHP level. Basically, on Ubuntu (and other distributions), using ssl stream context with verify_peer = true could potentially fail. This is due to the fact that OpenSSL, seemingly, only has a compile-time value for CApath (that generally can't be changed to my knowledge), does not respond to any env. variables and does not take any system specific paths into consideration (with the exception of via SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations).

In short, what you get is that a script like this:


will fail for streams, but pass for cURL. (The reason cURL passes is they sub in default CApaths dependent on the system you're on.)

What I propose is the addition of php.ini settings for a default capath that php can use when it is not supplied as an option to the ssl stream context:

  ;openssl.capath = '/etc/ssl/cert'

Additionally, I would suggest that if this value is not present in a php.ini, we (like curl) stub in a path (default value) at compile time that matches the target system as best we can. I've found a list here:


The goal is to be able to influence the capath globally so that all streams can take advantage of it when OpenSSL is acting goofy (which is default on ubuntu), and when the user has not provided one via he ssl steam context option 'capath'.

Basically, I want openssl/php stream ssl to work as well as cURL does.

Hopefully I've explained this clearly enough, thoughts?


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