Am 21.10.2012 um 13:33 schrieb Nikita Nefedov <>:
> No, this is useful in any OOP-language where there is such thing as type, and 
> people need to validate types.

I question the "need to validate" types part. I'd say you're better off using a 
completely different language if you want to use strong typing. For PHP: 
Embrace duck typing, write less boiler-plate code (thus reducing the need for 
"smart" IDE) and be happy :-)

> I unerstand what you are saying about PHP being an easy language, but in 
> opinion if you don't want to use that feature you can not use it, as you can 
> not use typehinting in functions for example.

That's the same as saying you can ignore most of the C++ feature and that will 
make it a simple language. That's neither true for developers nor users of the 

Example on why this is are
1) Makes language harder to maintain as there is more (and more complex) code 
implementing it.
2) Makes documentation bigger so users have first to figure out what part to 
read and what part to ignore.
3) Makes it harder to write portable user-land libraries as the application and 
the different libraries might use different (clashing) paradigms. See error 
codes vs. exceptions as an example of this.
4) Makes it harder to have extensions like APC as they have to implement more 
5) Makes it harder to write alternative implementations.

So yes, I agree with Rasmus that this is not a good fit for PHP.

- Chris

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