On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Anthony Ferrara <ircmax...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Patrick,
> Sorry, but removing the E_DEPRECATED notice when moved to PECL is not
> > part of the proposed RFC and should certainly not happen.
> >
> The proposal doesn't actually propose anything about a move to PECL. It's
> listed in the "possible future actions" section exactly once. But the RFC
> doesn't take a stand on it in either direction. So I'm not sure that you
> can make that argument.
> > Adding it in one location and not the other does
> > > not make sense.
> >
> > Absolutely! There is no reason to remove that kind of notice in the
> future.
> >
> That's your opinion. Please realize it as such and that other viewpoints
> also exist.
> For example, I have the viewpoint that deprecation applies to the LANGUAGE.
> The inclusion of the extension in the language is what's being deprecated.
> Even after it's pulled, someone else can maintain it. We can say that you
> should avoid it, but there's nothing stoping someone else from continuing
> maintenance of it as a fork. And adding in the other missing functionality
> (possibly breaking BC, possibly not, whatever).
> Therefore, in my viewpoint, the deprecation notices only apply to the
> inclusion of the extension in the core language distribution. Not to the
> extension itself.
> I'm not saying that either one of us is right or wrong, just that there are
> other opinions. To keep this discussion productive, please refrain from
> using absolutes like that...
> Thanks
> Anthony

I think we're over-complicating this a bit.  The whole point of
E_DEPRECATED is to get people to stop using an obsolete feature before it's
removed (or moved to PECL or whatever; neither of which is in the scope of
this RFC anyway).  Documentation and whatnot can only accomplish so much.

We also know that E_DEPRECATED works when other approaches do not.  I would
point you all to the famous example of Drupal 7, which would break
completely due to a flurry of E_DEPRECATED warnings (if display_errors was
set to on) being triggered as of 5.3 due to their continued use of
magic_quotes_gpc and magic_quotes_runtime.  When Drupal 8 was released some
time later, the code was fixed so that it no longer used those out-dated

That's why I voted yes.


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