Lester, are you seriously suggesting we coddle providers who either 

[a] Willfully misrepresent the PHP versioning system, showing they are
utterly tuned out of the PHP support community?


[b] Play unfunny practical jokes on their users and/or troll this very

If anything, their behavior is a call for some official censure, IMO.
I have sympathy for their users, but the only cure for that is to find
a responsible provider. 

If providers just told the truth about the "whys" of what they
support, instead of lying about stability, security, or other
"boldface" reasons, users would be better served. One such reason: "We
should have done this long ago, but held off longer than necessary for
budget reasons. Now, we're behind the curve and can't get new
customers who are version-aware. You'll enjoy the performance rewards
of re/building for the new version."

-- Sandy

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