Hi Arvids,

This is exactly what I've stated yesterday here, you can read it
at http://news.php.net/php.internals/64820 but I've yet to receive
an answer for it.

The problem is that someone will actually need to implement the
whole thing again, in C, again, and it's going to be painful (again).

I can only say that I'm really sorry that I don't know C in order to
be able to contribute.

This is indeed a sensible subject and I wouldn't want to be hated
by the current developers / contributors but like I've said, at some
point it must be addressed.

Best regards,
Florin Patan / @dlsniper

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Arvids Godjuks <arvids.godj...@gmail.com>
> I have to agree with Lester.
> It seems that there is a conspiracy to push annotations into PHP :D No,
> really, it's like goons decided that PHP needs annotations no matter what
> and just flooded the mailing list.
> I think: "The line must be drawn here, this far, no further!" © Star Trek
> Before adding more major stuff we should cope with what was already added
> and get it into shape. Traits are getting a rewrite for the 5.5 release
> and
> APC can't catch up because of the traits. This is the first big problem
> that needs to be solved.
> Unicode is the second big problem. As far as I know there was some work
> done on mb_string like enabling func_overload by default, but there are
> functions missing that are in standard string extension. Just continue on
> course and get more people involved. Maybe make a roadmap and try to stick
> with it.
> 3rd problem is PDO. It lags behind for years and as far as I know from the
> words of Perrie, no one is willing to touch it and it's a mess. I will not
> even start on the fact that it lacks tons of functionality and
> is extremely limiting when you start to do some serious stuff. The fact
> that virtually every framework bases it's DB layer on the PDO makes it
> even
> worse - a fast comparison between PDO and mysqli shows how limiting the
> is.
> Just an example, mysqli has mysqli_ping. You can't do that in PDO, so I
> had
> to send a query "SELECT NOW()" every 10-15 seconds to the MySQL server to
> keep the connection alive. Because when PDO looses connection, it gives
> you
> an error and you can't just reconnect and continue.
> Oh, the PHP function API issue, like array vs string. Huge amount of
> improvements can be done here.
> This is just what gets into mind and I stumble upon regularly. Maybe these
> problems should be addressed first before adding more stuff?
> Arvids.

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