On 1/17/2013 4:24 PM, Steve Clay wrote:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/propertygetsetsyntax-v1.2#voting

I'll say my peace on this. This is a very good implementation, and as long as authors use accessors that depend on a separate property for storage (like other langs require), everything will be straightforward. Otherwise, I fear they're in for some confusing behavior.

Consider the code from the RFC:

class TimePeriod {
    public $Hours {
        get { return $this->Hours ?: "not specified"; }
        set { $this->Hours = $value; }

$tp = new TimePeriod();
$tp->Hours; // "not specified"
isset($tp->Hours); // true!?

$tp->Hours isset, the property exists and it's value is non-null.

The auto implementation of isset compares $this->Hours to NULL, but since $this->Hours goes through the getter, it will return "not specified". So the property will always appear to be isset.

* The guards seem spooky: A set of tokens ($this->prop) will have varying behavior (e.g. direct prop read vs. getter call) *depending on the call stack*.
This is the same as would occur with isset against an undefined property, that would call __isset(), followed by __get() which would then compare the value to NULL.

* Giving issetter/unsetter no direct access to the property limits functionality and leads to weirdness like the example above.

This is possible, simply by supplying your own implementation of isset/unset that calls isset/unset, such as:

public $foo {
    get; set;
    isset { return isset($this->foo); }
    unset { unset($this->foo); }

The above five lines of code is exactly equivalent in functionality to:

public $foo;


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