Here I am, ten years later, and the same issue is being rehashed just as it
was when it was brought up ten years ago.

Over those ten years, things have slowly gotten better, but the underlying
issue remains the same. PHP is glue. PHP has not taken the path of
re-naming everything to conform to a new "PHP standard", other than
underscores, and attempts at function prefixes.

Sure, we could start adding aliases like libc_strlen(), and maybe that's
worth a thought, but its adding another layer of complexity, to achieve

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Rasmus Lerdorf <> wrote:

> On 01/25/2013 10:55 AM, Seva Lapsha wrote:
> > Well, how about renaming the functions, create aliases for BC and throw
> > E_DEPRECATED or E_STRICT on their usage? And write a PEAR script bundled
> > with the distribution to migrate to the new convention?
> Throwing warnings on perfectly working code is really a bad idea. It
> annoys users, slows down their code, and doesn't add any value at all to
> them.
> It should also be noted that many of the function names that people
> don't think are consistent are actually quite consistent when you
> consider that PHP is just a thin wrapper on top of underlying libraries.
> Functions from libc like tempnam() and strlen() are perfectly fine. The
> fact that you can go to your Linux command line and type: "man tempnam"
> to get a good idea of what is happening behind the scenes of the PHP
> function of the same name is a good thing.
> -Rasmus
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