On 02/12/2013 12:51 PM, Asbjørn Sannes wrote:


I propose we introduce a new option called mysqlnd.localhost_override
which enables a system administrator or php distributor to configure how
localhost should be overridden.

I am definitely -1 localhost to be redefined to TCP. It is known since ages that for MySQL localhost on *nix is resolved to Unix Socket.

I suppose that actual global variable is not needed, as no mysql extension, to my knowledge uses one for such a thing. mysqli has an ini option default_socket, but it is used when NULL or "" is provided as socket name, when doing the connect.
All three extensions know how to use
--with-mysql-sock=DIR MySQL/MySQLi/PDO_MYSQL: Location of the MySQL unix socket pointer. If unspecified, the default locations are searched

So, a possible solution is to enable mysqlnd to use this configure setting too, thus allowing non-patched sources to be built by the distributions.

I believe it would make life easier on system administrators and
distributions with varying defaults.

Working patch at:

It is backward compatible by falling back to earlier behaviour if
mysqlnd.localhost_override is not set

Any comments welcome.


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