
>> Also, I'm not sure I understand what 64-bit test is supposed to return
>> and why - why negative number is converted to positive one? What exactly
>> this change is supposed to improve?
> The least significant bytes are preserved. Take int(-2056257536) and  
> int(2943463994971652096):
> In[6]:= BitAnd[2^32 - 1, {-2056257536, 2943463994971652096}]
> Out[6]= {2238709760, 2238709760}

I'm not sure I understand, what this syntax means and how it explains
why we're doing these conversions? I.e. what requires this change and
how it is beneficial? I understand that it preserves least significant
bits, but why we should preserve them and discard sign, for example?

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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