On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:32 AM, Martin Keckeis
<martin.kecke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> -1
> For array it's okay, but for functions? I think the code is harder to read
> that way...
> If I would see a call written this way:
> phpinfo(,)
> There are three possible values: Defaultvalue, null or something differnt?
You wouldn't see that call, it would be a syntax error.  You might see
something like this however, which may illustrate the same point you
were trying to make:


To me the meaning seems obvious, it's the same semantics as: $a =
array('foo',); which nobody seems to have trouble with.  I do
appreciate that you disagree, however.

> @Sara cool base idea ;-)  (https://github.com/sgolemon/objectifier)
Turns out niki did it first, and his approach was a lot better,
actually: https://github.com/nikic/scalar_objects

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