On 21/02/2013, at 6:12 AM, Lazare Inepologlou <linep...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2013/2/20 Sanford Whiteman <swhitemanlistens-softw...@cypressintegrated.com>
>>> It still looks like some random characters bashed together by a monkey
>>> with a keyboard.
>> +1, I am a fiend for ternary expressions and crazy one-liners, but
>> this makes me want to go back and unroll everything I've ever done
>> into readable code. :)
>> -- S.
> Long code is not always equivalent to readable code. A shorter syntax could
> improve readability in *some* cases.
> Long:
> $users->OrderBy( function( $x ){ return $x->Surname; } );
> Short:
> $users->OrderBy( $x ==> $x->Surname );
> Ingénieur Logiciel

I think your example proves the opposite. The fist example was much easier to 
read and understand than the second.

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