> My challenge is deciding (i) do I work on PHP 5.6 / 5.7 and the
> corresponding beta APC version which at current rates of adoption might
> have begin to have an impact in the community sometime in the next 5 years,
> or (ii) work on a performance patch to the stable APC version which is
> typically installed with PHP 5.3 which these guys could apply within a few
> months.

or contribute those patches back and integrate them into the vanilla apc?
for me it seems that Rasmus opinion was that having improvements in this
area would be welcome, but personally it was never a high priority for the
current authors and there is a chance that it won't change, so if nobody
steps up and create a patch, there is no guarantee that this will be
addressed soon.

> I'll draft the RFCs if the webmaster gives me the karma to do so.

sure, just drop a mail to the php-webmaster list (as far as I can see you
have yet to do that).

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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